2 New Moderncv Templates

Xiao Hanyu,LaTeXModerncvResumeTemplate

Table of Contents


Hello and Happy New Year everyone! As a New Year’s gift, I am glad to announce that PPResume now supports 2 new templates based on xdanaux/moderncv.

You can hve a look at these templates in PPResume Gallery -> Templates.

Using these new templates in PPResume is pretty straightforward:

  1. open the resume settings drawer
  2. click on the template button to apply it, or
  3. preview the template by clicking on its thumbnails

Check PPResume documentation for more details.


xdanaux/moderncv is probably the most popular LaTeX template for crafting resumes. Its has a modern and clean design, and offers 5 different styles:

PPResume was launched in September 2023, and we only provide only one template based on moderncv banking. So far, 1700+ users have created their resumes using PPResume based on the only one template available.

Many have asked me to add more templates, and I am happy to announce that PPResume now supports 2 new moderncv styles: casual and classic.

Moderncv Styles

Some may ask why we only support 2 new moderncv styles, instead of all 5 styles.

Technically speaking, it is quite easy to support all 5 moderncv styles. Under the hood it is roughly a one-liner problem: \moderncvstyle{name-of-style}. However, we need to make sure that all moderncv styles must work out of the box and support almost all kinds of user input by default. We did some careful testing and found that fancy and oldstyle are not very good at handling user emails or profiles with long input. This means that if the user enters a long email address or a long profile, the resume will look ugly with a broken layout, which is unacceptable.

Moderncv Fancy is Buggy

So we end up supporting 3 moderncv styles in total:


Under the hood, supporting more moderncv style templates is a pretty straightforward task, as it is essentially a one-liner config

\documentclass[a4paper, serif, 11pt]{moderncv}
%% moderncv
% style and color
% needed by moderncv for showing icons

Basically, you need to set a proper argument for \moderncvstyle, then ideally you should be good to go, but we need to do some extra processing for some special cases.

For moderncv banking style, we need to override some LaTeX macros in order to apply Chinese colons for CJK resumes, you can read our blog post for more details.

For moderncv casual and classic styles, we need to swap the position of name and email for \cventry macro in the “References” section, otherwise the email would be too long and overlap with the real content, details here.

Look Ahead

Long story short:

  1. add more templates to PPResume
  2. open source our resume typesetting engine

See you soon!